HDR Landscape



I took five photos in different exposures ranging from -2 to +2. I put them into photoshop and merged them together to make this photo.  I saturated the image and it made the photo more vibrant and contrast. I like how the clouds shaded part of the mountain so the snow looks more vibrant and pops. If I were to give this photo a name it would probably something like “Track” or “Running” because its a photo of mainly a track field.

What Every Beginner Needs to Know

1. Setting the exposure using the histogram.

  • The histogram is the screen on your camera that gives you an overall view of your camera system.  The best way to figure out your exposure is to look at the histogram rather than the LCD screen.

2. RAW

  • Pictures can come in two forms, jpgs and a RAW file. Raw files are far better in quality than jpgs because a jpg is a compressed file of the photo and the RAW file gives you access to the full capabilities of your camera.

3. Selecting focusing points manually

  • The camera will usually have automated focus points but they cant always be correct. learning how to change AF points will will improve the accuracy of your focusing points and help you take better shots.

4.  Learn all AF modes

  • There is mainly three different AF modes which includes One-shot AF, Servo AF, and AI Autofocus. One-shot AF will stop refocusing after just one shot is taken. Servo AF will constantly be refocusing and amazing for taking candid photos of people moving quick.  AI focus will automatically switch one-shot to servo if it detects movement in frame.

5. Aperture Priority

  • Aperture Priority gives you full control over the Aperture setting on your camera. this control is perfect for getting amazing depth in your shots.

6. Shutter Priority

  • This mode is similar to Aperture Priority in the sense that it gives you full control of the shutter speed. This mode can be useful in low-light situations.

7. Control motion blur

  • Motion blur occurs when you hold your camera and use to slow of a shutter speed. The max low speed to get a clear photo varies from photographer to photographer. Its good to find out what your lowest speed is.

8. Manual white balance

  • Most cameras come with a preset white balance. It can do a good job but its better to look further into the white balance feature to get better photos for different lighting situations.

9. Drive modes

  • There are three types of drive modes, Single-shot, Continuous Low, and Continuous High. Single-shot lets you take one shot at a time which is great for studio shoots and shoots you have complete control over. Continuous Low is good for portraits, its amazing for showing emotion. Finally Continuous High is for shooting sports, wildlife and anything that takes quick sudden moves.

10.  ISO

  • ISO tells the camera about how much light to let into the lens. Low ISO is great when there’s a lot of light in an area. High ISO is good when there’s low levels of light.

11. Auto-ISO

  • Most photographers don’t like using the Auto-ISO setting. Although it does help when shooting hand held it will increase or decrease the value in order to allow you to shoot with a shutter speed fast enough for hand held operation.

12. Exposure compensation

  • Its a +/- scale that tells your camera to increase or decrease your exposure. Be cautious not to set it too high or low at first attempt. Its better to correct exposure gradually.

13.  Manual exposure

  • The last step in being a photographer is learning how to use and have full manual control of your camera and each setting within your camera. Only then will you be able to use your cameras full potential.


Candid Moments (With Caption)

Girl Studying for important test at Jurupa Hills Highschool.

Critique :



Henri Carters work is very eye-catching because of how rare they are. I also really like it because the black and white filter on it gives it a very ominous and mysterious look. The timing of these photos are really cool. He was able to capture birds and a person in mid-air perfectly to create these amazing candid moments.

AD/Commercial photography

  1. Amoeba Records
  2. physical music
  3. music collectors and people who buy physical music.
  4. online or on a window
  5. soft cool lighting
  6. Amoeba bag, CDs

3 ADs

Bad bunny x Cheetos    SKIMS X LDR     Times mag x Taylor Swift

-All three of these advertisements use people popular in the media to bring in a big group of people and diehard fans to buy the product or line they are advertising.

Intro to Using Strobes Important Info

  1. Most light sources generally fall into two categories, A kit with a flash head or a monolight kit.

2. There are two kinds of power packs for kits with a flash head, symmetric and asymmetric.

3. Monolights are compact substitutes for the kits with flash heads but are wanted for the portability and with that limits the power they have.

4. The most common light modifiers are umbrellas and softboxes.

5. The umbrellas are used to produce a softer light and come in two colors (silver and gold) for different tones of light (cold and warm).

6.  Softboxes usually come in a lightweight square or rectangular shape so the light can reflect of the sides and travel through the translucent front creating a soft but more focused lightsource.

7. There are still other light modifiers like snoot & barn doors, Honeycomb Grids, Flash head reflectors, and flags.

8. There are two main types of light stands, lightweight stands and C- stands.

9. Lightweight stands are like a basic tripod with an extendable arm for your lightsource.

10. C- stands are used more in professional settings due to their stability and durability and can have attachments to further improve the stand.

Am I Talking to Myself



– 15-20 things which inspire your creativity.

  1. friends
  2. family
  3. Listening to music
  4. Books i read
  5. shows i watch
  6.  Videos/pictures online
  7. taking walks
  8. drawing
  9. looking at others people creativity
  10. trying new things
  11. other peoples motivation
  12. seeing new places.
  13. writing down my thoughts
  14. learn from my mistakes
  15. ask questions.

Warhol Pop Art.



-What is Pop Art?

– Pop Art is an art-style based on simple images that are popular during the time painted in bold and bright colors.

-Why is this artist’s work considered Pop Art?

-Evelyne Axell’s work covers all criteria that make up a piece of pop art.

-Describe the artists work.

– She uses vibrant colors that stand out from each other that make a simple looking picture.

-Why did you pick this artist and why do you like his/her work.

– I chose Evelyne Axell because her work can give a message that can be interpreted in many ways.


Q:  Explain the main differences between a RAW & JPEG file

A: One difference of many between RAW and JPEG is that RAW files are more high-quality. RAW files capture and store all the details that pass through the cameras sensors.

Q:Which file is bigger RAW or JPEG?

A:  RAW filles are bigger than JPEG because they contain the pure image info captured, it holds all the original data so you have full control over the image.

Q: Can you change a RAW file to a JPEG, once your photos are the computer? How?

A: Yes you can. When a RAW file is converted into a JPEG is undergoes a compression process that makes the file smaller which means some data will be lost. You need to be cautious about doing  this because after the compression the image may appear grainy or pixelated.

Q: If you were shooting an important event would you shoot it RAW or JPEG? Explain.

A: I would shoot it in a RAW file so I can have full control over the image and they can be the best quality they can. Since the event is important I want the pictures to be high quality.